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Archana | New York to Nomad
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Author Archives: Archana

…And that’s a wrap!

Thank you for your support, loyalty and amazing comments that kept us company through more than a year of backpacking. We’ll save you the mushy speech — I kind of already did that — but if you’re keen to follow along on our next journey as we conquer San Diego, find jobs, discover delicious food, … Continue reading »

Categories: General | 1 Comment

What happens now? California, here we come!

Since real time blogging is near impossible during travels, I’m going to go ahead and interrupt Eaman’s lovely stream of Iran posts to give you an update on what’s next for us because newsflash: Eaman got back last Thursday! And bigger newflash: We’re moving to California in the new year! Yep, our vague notion back … Continue reading »

Categories: General | Tags: , , | 5 Comments

Fiction, nonfiction and young adult fare: What we read on the road

Since I’ve been home, a lot of my friends have been asking me what Eaman and I did in our spare time for entertainment during our trip. (Does eating count as entertainment? It does to us.) We rarely had TV, and even when we did, we were less than thrilled to watch The Big Bang … Continue reading »

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13 Months on the road in photos: Our favorite pics from the trip

It was difficult to choose from the thousands (literally) of photos we took from the trip, but on our last night together in Delhi, Eaman and I carefully selected our favorites, ones that encompass, culture, food, love and beautiful scenery. Here they are for you in chronological order to give you a sense of city-, … Continue reading »

Categories: General | 6 Comments

What a year of travel can teach you about life, passion and killing mosquitoes

I’ve been home for nearly a week while Eaman backpacks through Iran, but before we parted ways, we had a long conversation about this past year, what we’ve learned, what we would’ve done differently and what everything has meant to us. We’ve had these dialogues pretty often and usually spontaneously throughout our travels, but this … Continue reading »

Categories: General | Tags: | 4 Comments

So what exactly is a 10-day silent meditation like?

When Eaman and I saw each other at the end of our 10-day meditation retreat, we were so eager to tell each other everything. We had been separated (by gender) and had taken a vow of silence, so, to finally be able to spill the beans was a pretty big deal. I let him tell … Continue reading »

Categories: India | Tags: , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Learning nothing about Delhi and everything about hospitality

It might’ve been a little more poetic to end our trip together in some terrible hostel after a crazy bus ride and getting cheated by rickshaw drivers. But we closed it out in beautiful Delhi homes, eating at exclusive social clubs and being treated to massages. We actually didn’t do a lick of sightseeing in … Continue reading »

Categories: India | Leave a comment

The 10 commandments for backpacking through India

Through good times and bad, we’ve learned a few things about traveling on the cheap in India and would hate to withhold the juice. 1. Thou shalt not lose thy patience. India has required more patience than any other country. From pushy salespeople to conniving rickshaw drivers to complete lacks of efficiency and organization in … Continue reading »

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