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The Taj Mahal: Are words even necessary? | New York to Nomad
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The Taj Mahal: Are words even necessary?

Posted by on October 10, 2012
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OK maybe a few words.

- Agra is a dump. DUMP. See the Taj and get out of there as soon as you can. Except we did meet a cute baby in our hotel. That part was great.

- Sunrise was an impeccable time to see the Taj, mostly because it gets painfully hot even as quickly as 9 a.m.
- The east gate’s ticket booth is 1km from the entrance; other gates’ booths are much closer.
- We went to the west gate because it opened at 6 a.m. The south gate opened only at 8 a.m.
- If you’re an Indian not born in India, you can fake your way into buying an Indian National ticket, which costs justs 20 rupees compared to 750 rupees. Yikes! I wore Indian clothes, confidently said I’m from Bangalore and knew the words “Where are you from?” in Hindi so I could respond. No one bothers looking at your ticket once you’ve paid.
- Saniya Palace Hotel looks cruddy from the outside but it has a decent rooftop with the best view of the Taj.

Without further ado…

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One Response to The Taj Mahal: Are words even necessary?

  1. Adam Tuttle

    Very cool!

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