We ended our week in the Thai islands on Koh Tao, a small island on the Gulf side that doles out almost as many SCUBA certifications as dive shops in Cairns, Australia. (That’s a lot.)
I’ve already dived in Australia and Eaman wasn’t super keen, so instead, we spent our time engaged in our favorite beach activity: snorkeling. And Koh Tao’s huge coral beds and teal waters are a perfect place to do it. On a day-long snorkel trip around the islands we saw a reef shark (!), visited a beautiful private island and fed bananas to fish in the water. If you haven’t tried it, it’s an absolute must. The fish ambush every inch of your body and some even nip you for food. It was a very cool, Under-the-Sea moment.
Anyway, like any beach, Koh Tao is best seen through pictures. Oh, and did I mention our hotel — the basic, but very nice Sai Thong Resort on a secluded beach — upgraded us to a seaside bungalow with sea view for free? I know, life is really hard.
Our accommodation had three small beaches, and from one, it was a short swim out to some reef sharks, which almost all the other guests saw at some point. We, of course, never did.
Freaking awesome balcony with hammock and cushions. We fell asleep here one night, and it was the most magical sleep. If it weren’t for mosquitos, Eaman could’ve lived the rest of his life in that hammock.
View from balcony.
Thanks to my cousin, Craig, for giving us his underwater camera. We clearly weren’t that adept at using it though. This was the best pic we got from the snorkeling trip.
Loved the restaurant at the hotel next door. The owner/chef was a really sweet Thai woman who cooked a mean fried chicken and pineapple stir-fry. She even let me hold her pup.
And those sunsets you always hear about? This is 100% un-Photoshopped beauty.